Fallback image: Menage a Trois Dancing Figures Logo in red on black background Ménage à Trois Wines. Introducing LIGHT. Bold rich flavors with fewer calories and lower alcohol. Only 90 calories, 8% alcohol, no sugar added. With a bright finish in every sip. Enjoying live should be a little lighter. Experience the lighter side of Ménage à Trois.

Explore The Wonders Of Ménage à Trois

When our mischievous founders decided to “experiment threely” by blending three distinctively different grapes into one wine, they knew it needed a name that would never blend in … Ménage à Trois.

Our Story

The Ménage à Trois
Sweet Collection

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Things We Love

Carrot Ginger Soup Paired with New Ménage à Trois Light Pinot Grigio

In these still-cold months, there’s nothing like the hearty warmth of a delicious, filling winter soup. Balancing the desire for comfort food while keeping ...

New Year, New Wine Cocktail Recipe!

Start the New Year off right by indulging in the same bold taste of Ménage à Trois—without breaking your resolutions. Our first cocktail of the year is ...